Were any of your books published under the name Amanda Fairchild(FC)? 你们所出版的书里有署名为阿曼达·费尔柴尔德的吗?
Sabrina fairchild : I want to be near you. 萨布丽娜:我希望在你身边。
Well, I was initially surprised that people wanted the transistors we built back in the Fairchild(FC) days. 其实,最初令我感到吃惊的是,竟然有人想要我们在仙童(FC)时期制造的晶体管。
Fairchild(FC) delivers energy-efficient, easy-to-use and value-added semiconductor solutions for power and mobile designs. 快捷半导体为功率及可携式设计提供高能效、易于应用及高附加价值的半导体解决方案。
Prior to joining Fairchild(FC) he spent ten years at National Semiconductor, in a variety of sales management positions. 在加入公司之前,他在美国国家半导体任职10年,先后担任多个销售管理职位。