Here, elaborates the inevitable tendency of using the low smoke halogen flame-retarded cable for mine from the property and parameter of the general cable and the low smoke halogen flame-retarded cable for mine when burning. 文章介绍了一般煤矿用电缆和煤矿用低烟低毒(卤)阻然电缆燃烧时的性能指标,阐述了应用煤矿用低烟低毒(卤)阻然电缆的必然趋势。
Installation analysis and design improvement of general cable actuated position sensors 弹拉式开度仪安装分析与设计改进
General problems of cable structures are analyzed in the proposed method. 提出了一般性索结构分析的精确单元方法,并对于悬索结构的若干问题提出了精确的处理方法。
In general, earth the cable shield only at the control panel end. 通常接地电缆套管只在控制板末端使用。
HFC ( hybrid fiber and coaxial ) networks are the most general mode used in cable TV networks. 光纤同轴电缆混合HFC(hybridfiberandcoaxial)网络是目前国际上广泛采用的有线电视传输方式。