" The margin lease method "( drafted plan ) has already been drafted and completed and it will be handed over to National Peoples Congress(NPC) for discussion and passing in2007. 我国《融资租赁法》(草案)己基本起草完毕,不久将提交全国人大讨论通过。
The report of the 16 national congress of the communist party of China has enriched and developed our party, s education policy and has listed " holding the education innovation " into the national peoples congress report for the first time, which can help us deepen. 党的十六大报告对党的教育方针有了进一步的丰富和发展,并把坚持教育创新第一次写入了党的全国代表大会报告。
The recent National Peoples ' Congress in Beijing made it clear that price stability, rather than growth, had become the top priority in China. 最近在北京召开的中国全国人大会议传递出清晰的信息:保持价格稳定(而非经济增长),已成为中国的头等大事。