She was a famous female writer in late 19th and early 20th centuries in America, mentioned with literature masters such as Henry James, William Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway and F.Scott Fitzgerald in the same breath, belonging to the same great era. 薇拉·凯瑟是19世纪末20世纪初美国著名的女作家,她与亨利·詹姆斯、福克纳、海明威和菲茨杰拉德这些文学大师相提并论,同属于一个伟大的时代。
So good of you to come, james, @ said William as his visitor came in. “詹姆斯,你能来真是太好了,”当客人进来时,威廉说。
On July 1 1690, James was defeated by William at the Battle of the Boyne, and the conquest of Ireland was complete. 1690年7月1日,詹姆士在博伊恩战役中被威廉击败,从此爱尔兰完全被征服。
The American realistic novelist Henry James has been greatly influenced by his brother William James, who is one of the representatives of pragmatism. Because of this deep influence, Henry James imbues his works with pragmatic thought. 美国现实主义小说家亨利·詹姆斯受其兄长&实用主义代表人物之一威廉·詹姆斯的影响颇深,因而其创作中渗透着的实用主义思想。
Presidents James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, Franklin Pierce and William Henry Harrison ranked worst overall. 排在最后几位的总统是詹姆斯•布坎南、安德鲁•约翰逊、富兰克林•皮尔斯威廉•亨利•哈里森。