This paper introduces the newest research directions of quantum computation, and expounds the applications of quantum computation technologies in secret communication, cryptography system and database searching. 介绍了量子计算的最新研究方向,简述了量子计算和量子信息技术在保密通信、量子算法、数据库搜索等重要领域的应用。
It is well-known that entangled states play the most important role in the study of quantum information. The importance is also shown in its application in quantum teleportation, quantum computation, quantum communication and quantum cryptography, and so on. 在量子信息学中,纠缠态处于重要的地位,它主要的应用是在量子隐形传态,量子计算,量子通信和量子密码术等方面。
It plays a central role as an important resource in quantum computation, teleportation, dense coding and cryptography. 它作为一种主要的资源,在量子计算、量子传输,量子编码和密码学等等领域中扮演重要角色。
The former is a newly emerged interdiscipline between physics and information science. Quantum information theory applies the basic principles to areas such as computation, communication and cryptography, etc., and thus forms three branches & quantum computing, quantum communication and quantum cryptography. 前者是信息科学与物理科学相互融合产生的新兴交叉学科,它把量子力学的基本原理应用于计算、通信和密码学等领域,形成量子计算、量子通信和量子密码学三个分支。
In general, quantum information includes quantum cryptography, quantum computation and quantum communication, etc. A secure system based on the law of physics has been developed in quantum cryptography, and the practical secure system in fibers system will be soon achieved. 量子信息包括量子密码学、量子计算和量子通信等。量子密码学为人们提供了一套基于物理定律的安全的密码体系。目前,量子密码在光纤系统中已趋于实用化。