Quantitative management is the key of efficient software process management. 真正有效管理软件过程的关键是定量管理。
Supported with most quantitative application software, CISC processor is one of the most widely used, while its memory management architecture is one of the most complex in contemporary general-purpose processors. CISC处理器在实际应用中最为广泛,相关软件最为丰富;但是它也有着现代微处理器中最复杂的存储管理单元。
The quantitative management and check of non-typical software project, which is at the stage of research and development, are the difficult point in the project management. 对非定型类软件项目,即处于研究、开发阶段软件项目的定量管理与考核,一直是项目管理工作中的难点。