Among the large number of new plugins are an automated processing framework, dynamic filtering, new and efficient clustering methods, a machine learning module and database connectivity. 大量新的插件有:一个自动处理框架、动态过滤,新的且有效的聚类方法,一个机器学习模块(LM)和数据库连接。
So we use textual CBR ( a embranchment of CBR ) to build case retrieval and learning module. 针对这些特性,我们采用CBR的一个分支:基于文本的案例推理(TextualCBR,TCBR)来完成推理和学习系统的构建。
The basic learning module consists of six medical basic courses. 基础学习模块(LM)由6门医学基础课程相关内容构成。
This learning supporting system consists of five modules : user management, course publishing and management, learning module, assessment module and QA module. 本学习支持系统由用户管理、课程发布与管理、学习模块(LM)、评价模块和讨论答疑五个模块组成。界面设计力图协调知识的整体与部分的关系,在统一的框架中动态展现不同的知识。
As to the player end, it is divided into three modules according to user and scene, which includes a real time learning module, a courseware ordering module and an educational evaluation module, they are designed respectively. 对客户端的设计,根据使用场景和使用对象的不同,把客户端分为实时听课模块、课件点播模块和教学评估模块三部分,并分别对每一部分的设计和实现进行了讨论。