Quantifier is the important phrase from the Sino-Tibetan Language, and also a feature of this Language family. 量词是汉藏语系语言词法中重要的一个词类,也是汉藏语系的特点之一。
Object of the think-category verbs consist of noun object, timing quantifier object, verb phrase object, and clause object. We analyze the four aspects. 宾语,主要从名词宾语、时量宾语、动词短语宾语、小句宾语等四个方面进行了考察;
There are " quantifier + noun " and " noun + num. + cl. " two word order when a noun ( or noun phrases ) and quantifiers combined in the phrase level since ancient times. 在汉语里,名词(或名词性短语)与数量词的组合自古便有数量+名与名+数量两种语序形式。