A teaching experiment was conducted in 2 classes at Level 12 within a term. 教学实验历经一个学期在高三两个平行班进行。
The degree in comparative education, educational level 12(QOC-12) years of both groups had significant differences in level of education 12 years, no significant difference between the two groups. 在受教育程度分层比较中,受教育程度12年的两组中有显著性差异,受教育程度12年的两组中差异性不明显。
In renal transplant recipients on triple immunosuppressants regimen, the CsA trough level 12(QOC-12) hours after its oral administration was assayed by means of FPIA with the use of specific monoclone reagent kits. 为了探讨肾移植后患者全血CsA谷浓度(TL)与临床的关系,寻求适合国人肾移植受者CsA理想治疗窗浓度范围。应用FPIA法特异性单克隆试剂盒测定口服CsA12小时后全血谷浓度。
SOD activities rose quickly after inoculation, and reached the highest level at 12 h, then fell. SOD在接种后12h达到最高,之后下降。
The results suggested that the addition of adequate quantity of polygonum hydropiper ( addition level as 12 % ) had favorable effects on Xiaoqu quality. 结果表明,在一定范围内添加辣蓼草对小曲质量具有良好的促进作用,其合理添加量为12%;