Our Spot Light(SL) is the main, or Key, Light of the scene, the one casting shadow. 我们的聚光灯(SL)照明是场景的主要(者说是关键)投射阴影的灯光。
The main function is to guide the spot light source of LED to plane light source. 导光板主要功能是引导LED的点光源成为平面光源。
The first locator is positioned at the same location as the Spot Light(SL). It is actually point constrained to the Spot Light(SL). 第一个定位器是定位在与聚光灯(SL)同样的位置。它实际上是聚光灯(SL)的点约束。
Developer tests, which when run often in a Continuous Integration ( CI ) environment, effectively act like a spot light on code quality. 通常在持续集成(CI)环境中运行的开发人员测试有效地扮演着代码质量聚光灯(SL)的角色。
Marriage means being in the spot light, being under the unceasing scrutiny of another person, just as we are all under the constant gaze of the Lord our God. 婚姻意味着现身于聚光灯(SL)下,屈身于他人不间歇的审视,正如我们都身处于上帝永远的注视下。