I slowed down so I could save your horse's life. 我退出了比赛才保住了你的马一命。
So I am far from Mongolia horse in life, everyday quietly reading and writing in most of time, should be destiny as well. 所以,我一生告别蒙古马,每天用大量的时间安静地坐着阅读和写作,也是前定。
' Terrible!'said the old man. 'It was a bad place to jump, wasn't it? A man's life and a horse's life are worth more than a hare & or they should be! ' 太可怕了!老人说。那地方不能跳,是吗?一个人和一匹马的生命比一只野兔贵重多了&本来就是这么回事!
He painted the horse to the life. 他把那匹马画得栩栩如生。
I liked the idea of being in one place, escaping the bumpy horse carts of carnival life. 能在一个地方住下来,不用再跟随巡回游艺团在马车上四处颠簸,这主意不错。