No decision was made with regard to revising the export quota limit for raw cotton and cotton yarns. 目前涉及修改原棉和棉纱出口配额限制(QLM)的问题,委员会还没有做出决定。
Arranges items by maximum quota limit. 按最大配额限制(QLM)值排列项目。
" Log event when quota limit exceeded " “超出磁盘配额限制(QLM)时将事件记录到日志中”
A quota limit cannot be applied to the'administrators'account. 配额限制(QLM)不适用于'administrators'帐户。
When a site is locked for exceeding a storage quota limit, users who attempt to upload new content see a disk full error. 如果网站因超出存储配额限制(QLM)被锁定,则试图上载新内容的用户会看到磁盘已满的错误消息。