At present, when carries on the charge to the ship which is going floodgate in domestic canal, usually takes gross tons as charge basis. Shipping ton checking is based on artificial scene ship survey and the tonnage provided by the navigation book. 目前国内运河在对过闸船舶收费时,以总吨位为收费依据,对船舶吨位的核定是以人工测量和参照航行簿提供的吨位为依据。
The travel company will only charge you a budget price for going to Florida in spring. 旅游公司对春季去佛罗里达的旅客,减价收费。
Mel : That's about what I 'd normally charge, but you added these time restrictions and I 'm going to have to pay some overtime to get it in under the wire. 其实我平常就是那个价码,但因为你有时间限制,我得请工人加班,才能准时交货。