Research of China's Mine Water Resources Development(WRD) and Utilization 我国矿井水资源开发(WRD)、利用的法律问题研究
Bureau of Flood Control and Water Resources Development(WRD) 防洪和水资源开发(WRD)局
Over the years, the water resources development has played an important role in control of schistosomiasis transmission. 长期以来,我国水利血防工程对控制血吸虫病传播发挥了重要作用。
The main problems and the central issues of the study in hydrology and water resources development stage in China are described in the paper. 阐述了我国水文水资源研究的发展阶段,面临的主要问题,以及当前研究中的热点问题。
Project and Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment of Water Resources Development(WRD) 水资源开发(WRD)工程项目环境评价与战略环境评价我国战略环境影响评价立法现状评析