His Majesty's Ambassador was with me, and the conversation, which roamed over a large variety of topics, lasted two and quarter hours. 国王陛下的大使和我一同前往,双方会谈涉及的问题非常广泛,前后持续了两小时一刻钟。
Meryl : Yes, it's only a quarter to ten and we've been at it for almost four hours. 梅里尔:是啊,现在才九点四十五分,而我们已经工作了将近四小时。
Brisk vigorous concentration for a quarter of an hour on the first day may be gradually expangded into two hours or more at the end of the month. 自信而又活力的专注,从第一天的一刻钟逐渐增加到一个月最后一天的两个小时或者更多。
More than a quarter of the female high-fliers surveyed by Ms Hewlett and Ms Rashid report working between eight and18 hours more each week than they did three years ago. 据H&R调查后得出,超过四分之一的有抱负的女性与三年前相比每周工作时间增加了八小时至18小时。