Teaching quality evaluation system for University teachers is a Synthesis management system developed by using advanced design methods and technologies. It is established in the real management work of our University and it involves every stage of the teaching quality evaluation management work for different users. 教师教学质量测评系统是立足我校管理工作的实际,采用先进的设计理念和开发技术建立的一套涉及评教工作各个环节,面向全校教师和学生的综合管理信息系统。
The Quality Evaluation and Management of Basic Construction Projects of Universities 高校基本建设工程的质量管理与控制研究
On Quality Evaluation and Management of Proofread of Scientific Periodicals 论科技期刊校对的质量评价和管理
Study on Quality Evaluation and Management of Landscape Forest 风景林景观质量评价与经营研究
Based on the research mentioned above, the thesis points out the quality evaluation and management of digital image in the future. 最后,通过对已有研究成果的总结,对未来数字影像质量评价及管理的方法做出了展望。