Updating a customer quote is a business service, updating a record in a database isn't. 更新客户的报价是一个业务服务,而更新一条数据库中的记录则不是。
Quote each non-numeric user supplied value that is passed to the database with a database-specific string escape function. 使用特定于数据库的字符串转义函数来引用传递给数据库的用户提供的值。
In another instance a policy checks the time-to-live value from a stock market price quote to see if it can respond to a request from the stock value stored in the service database. 在另外一个例子里,策略从一个股票价格行情的引用里检查time-to-live的值,由这个值决定是否从服务数据库里获取股票价格来响应请求。
The text expatiates on the construction enterprise how to increase the ability to quote a price and the writer makes some good advice on constituting the enterprise ration, strengthening the manage on the construction, establishing the cost database and risk manage system. 本文就施工企业如何提高投标报价能力,从编制企业施工定额、建立成本数据库、做好投标工作、加强施工过程管理、建立风险管理系统等几个方面提出一些建议。