On that day, Master Wayne, even I won't want to. 若真有那么一天,韦恩少爷,可能连我也不会说出口的。
Every day, master confidence oneself. 每一天,学会把握自己。
On the first day, master said : " I know you all have been suffering a lot all the way to here. " 第一天,上师对我们说:“我知道你们这一路受了很多苦。”
The second day, master gave initiation and answered questions from initiates. 第二天师父印心并回答同修的问题。
One day the Master stopped me and asked out of the blue if Heng Ming Shr and I would be willing to serve at Gold Buddha Monastery in Canada. 话说某天师父叫住了我,并突如其来地问我和恒明师是否愿意去加拿大的金佛寺服务。