Short-range squadrons were attached to Infantry Corps and panzer divisions for this work. 为了进行这项工作,每个步兵军和每个装甲师都配有近程侦察机中队。
This will reduce the construction speed of Panzer(PZR) Elite infantry. 这将降低装甲精英步兵的建筑速度。
Info : Upgrade your HQ Territory to recharge all Panzer(PZR) Elite abilities and heal any injured infantry units. 升级你的hq根据地以重添装甲精英能力和冶疗任何受伤的步兵。
Panzer(PZR) Elite infantry use their improved battlefield skills to detect enemy tanks at ranges beyond which they can see. 装甲精英的步兵将运用他们的强化作战技能来探测出在超过他们视野范围的位置的坦克。
And then the thunder of the panzer columns starting engines and rolling off eastward against the enemy. 于是装甲纵队的发动机响起了雷鸣般的吼声,朝着东方,向敌人滚滚而去。