Her first name was Mary. I don't know what her surname was. 她的名字(F)叫玛丽。我不知道她姓什么。●Iftwopeopleareonfirst-nameterms,theyknoweachotherwellenoughtocalleachotherbytheirfirstnames,ratherthanhavingtouseamoreformaltitle.(因相熟而)直呼其名,以名相称
He abbreviated his first name to Alec. 他将自己的名字(F)缩写为亚历克。
I told him my first name and where I was from. 我告诉过他我的名和我从哪里来。
A : What's your first name? A:你的第一个名字(F)是什么?
I have printed my family name, first name, date of birth, and address. 我用印刷体写上了我的姓,名,华诞和地址。