Maybe you typed a capital letter where you should have typed a lower case letter. 也许您把应该小写的字母打成大写了。
Atoms must start with a lower case character, or you can delimit with single quotes. 原子值必须以小写字母开头,否则需要加上单引号。
Certain proper nouns and other expressions should always start with a lower case letter, without regard to where they are in a title. 一些特定的专有名词以及其它相关词语总是需要以小写字母开头,不需考虑它们在标题的什么位置。
A typewriter in which the characters are situated on a type cylinder. In printing, a lower case character. 印刷或打印用的一种小写字符。
Action by the birds into a dash lower case letters v to imitate. 飞鸟的动作可由小写字母v变成破折号来模仿。