Your password list file has been damaged. 您的密码列表文件已被破坏。
User can save the displayed password list and IE history list to TEXT as well HTML file for offline verification & storage. 用户可以保存显示的密码列表和IE历史记录列表文本以及HTML的离线验证和存储文件。
Add user name and password to list of administrators. 将用户名称与密码添加到管理员列表。
SplashData CEO Morgan Slain urges businesses and consumers using any password on the list to change them immediately. SplashDataCEOMorganSlain呼吁密码设置如上所列的企业和消费者及时更改。
Each plug-in shares the same information regarding the user that is defined to send the alerts, the server to log in, password, and a list of recipients. 每个插件共享相同的信息,这些信息是发送警报的用户、登录的服务器、密码和接收者列表。