This is the first report about the strains of tobacco etch virus ( TEV ) in China. 烟草蚀纹病(TEV)毒(TEV)的株系毒力分化属国内首次报道。
Biocontrol of Tobacco etch virus by using Sugarcane mosaic virus 用甘蔗花叶病毒生物防治烟草蚀纹病(TEV)毒病
Cloning of TEV CP, HC-Pro and Cross Protection between Tobacco Etch Virus(TEV) and Sugarcane Mosaic Virus 烟草蚀纹病(TEV)毒CP、HC-Pro基因克隆及与甘蔗花叶病毒之间交互保护作用的研究
The main species of tobacco virus spread by aphids in Shaanxi included cucumber mosaic virus ( CMV ), tobacco etch virus ( TEV ) and potato Y virus ( PVY ); 烟草蚜传病毒病的主要类群有烟草黄瓜花叶病毒(CMV)、烟草蚀纹病(TEV)毒(TEV)、马铃薯Y病毒(PVY)。
Induced Mild Strains of Tobacco Etch Virus(TEV) 烟草蚀纹病(TEV)毒弱株系的研究