Also lending support was disruption to several US refineries by fires this week that has pushed cash prices in New York and the US Gulf Coast higher. 本周多家美国炼油厂失火导致停产的事件,也为价格提供了支撑,推高了纽约市场现金价格(CP)和美国墨西哥湾原油价格。
He points out that cash prices have stayed high, even as futures started to come down at the end of last month, and that most of the cotton is out of the warehouses. 他指出即使在上月低期货价格开始走低之后,棉花的现货价格一直保持高位,而且多数库存都已售出。
Price discovery refers to the use of one market price for pricing the other market transactions. The nature of the price discovery function lies in whether new information is reflected first in changed futures prices or in changed cash prices. 价格发现指的是用一个市场的价格来为另一个市场的交易定价,其本质在于新的信息是首先反映在期货价格变化上还是首先反映在现货价格变化上。
However, at the same time credit markets took a different view, with European cash bond prices hitting lows and the cost of protecting bonds against default in derivatives markets remaining at, or near, highs, driven mainly by rising spreads on financial debt. 然而与此同时,信贷市场存在着不同观点。欧洲现金债券价格触及低点,衍生品市场债券的违约保险成本仍处于或接近高位,主要原因是金融债券息差的不断上升。
Many companies are mothballing mines and curtailing exploration to conserve cash as prices tumble. 由于价格暴跌,许多公司封存矿山、减少勘探以保存现金。