Deductions are either standard or itemized. A standard deduction reduces taxable income by a fixed amount. 扣除分为标准扣除和分项扣除。标准扣除是从应税所得中减去一个固定数额。
Stock dividends are not taxable income to the recipient as are cash dividends. 红股与现金红利不同,对收入者没有所得税。
All taxable income related to production and business of the above individual industrial and commercial households and individuals. 上述个体工商户和个人取得的与生产、经营有关的各项应纳税所得。
The money is deductible from taxable income. 这笔款项可从应征税的公司收入中扣除。
It is the number of tax abatement is different from the latter only reduces the level of taxable income. 它与纳税减除数不同,后者只是降低了应税所得额的水平。