From the 1980s, the implementation of enterprise reforms forms a new separation pattern of regional Administration, the airlines and airport management system with two decades of continuous reform of the civil aviation system to form a separate government functions from enterprises. 从20世纪80年代实行企业化改革开始,二十年持续不断的改革使民航系统形成了政企分开、地区管理局与航空公司、机场分立的管理体制新格局。
Airport Management System(AMS) in Developed Countries 发达国家的机场管理体制
Prospects of development Gradually improve airport operational levels and set up the airport security management system by the2010. 发展前景2010年建成机场安全管理体系,不断提高机场安全运行水平。
Effectively solved the airport parking management system in large parking management exists efficiency. 有效地解决了机场停车场管理系统在大型停车场管理中存在的效率问题。
Application of GIS in Airport Pavement Management System GIS在机场道面管理系统中的应用