Further multivariate median regression analysis revealed that factors entering regression equation were salted vegetables, salted and fermented soybeans, fresh vegetables and fresh fruits ( for male only ). 进一步的多元中位数回归分析显示进入方程的因素为腌制蔬菜、腌制豆类、新鲜蔬菜及男性的新鲜水果等。
Each form allows only one adult male, only one husband. 在这两种家庭形式中,都只许有一个成年的雄者,只许有一个丈夫。
It is very frustrating when I spot a suitable job, only to be told that the vacancy is open to male applicants only, said Zhu Qian, who graduated from Beijing Union University last year. 去年毕业于北京联合大学(招生办)的朱倩(音译)表示:当我好不容易找到一个合适的职位,但得到的答复是只招男生时,我觉得特别沮丧。
In some of the " Younger Generation " writers of narrative, we can easily find that women are as goods pass from between male may only be called laughable that the friendship between men. 在一些晚生代作家的叙事中,我们很容易发现,女性被作为物品从男性之间传递,目的可能只是证明男性之间可笑的所谓友谊。
A single hook-shaped sensilla of 21.0 μ m in length was present on male antenna only. 在雄性触角上观察到一钩状感觉器,长210μm,它表明七星瓢虫在触角上的性别两型性。