Expound in detail the reasonable combining utilization of diesel power station in peace time and war time. 详细阐述了柴油发电站平时与战时的合理结合利用。
Now, in peace time, it is not clear under how much government pressure the medic has speaking. 现在,在和平时期(PT),这些医疗工作者所说的话承受了来自政府的多少压力并不清楚。
President Barack Obama has passed the largest peace time fiscal stimulus in US history. 美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)通过了美国历史上和平时期(PT)规模最大的财政刺激方案。
India needs to stop flying MIGs which has claimed more lives during peace time. 在这和平年代还要了这么多人性命,印度应该停飞米格战机!
History is full of great military and political leaders but the leadership required during war is different to that required during peace time. 历史上有不少伟大的军事和政治领袖。但是在战乱中当首领,与在和平日子当领袖,要求截然不同。