An automatic parameter configuration environment made up of Perl and Shell scripts was built. After extending the original HDL to more flexible language, the circuit module was described by the flexible language and transferred to Verilog description under the automatic parameter configuration environment. 新方法对原有的硬件描述语言进行了扩展,并建立了参数自动配置环境,该环境由一组Perl和Shell脚本组成,能够自动根据参数设置生成正确的硬件描述。
The type-a command reveals all instances of Perl that the shell is aware of, which depends largely on the PATH variable. type-a命令显示了Shell所知道的所有Perl实例,这在很大程度上依赖于PATH变量。
Most people are familiar with CPAN as an interactive shell for building and installing Perl modules. 大多数人都熟悉作为构建和安装Perl模块的交互shell的CPAN。
You can pass as many arguments as you want to Perl, unless your shell limits their number or length. 除非您的shell限制了参数的数量或长度,不然您可以向Perl传递任意数量的参数。
Perl's regular expression heritage comes from shell scripting and the awk / grep tools. Perl的正则表达式是从shell脚本程序以及awk/grep工具中继承而来的。