Always this was the last utterance : home, love, marriage, michaelis : so thats that! 家庭、爱情、结婚,蔑克里斯,不过就是这样!
Always this was the last utterance : home, love, marriage, michaelis : so that's that! And when one died, the last words to life would be : so that's that! 这常常是最后一句话;家庭、爱情、结婚,蔑克里斯,不过就是这样!一个人到瞑目长眠的时候,向生命分别时的最后一句话也是:不过就是这样!
At last, the author thinks that utterance communication is in fact a continuous ' making choice ' and context adapting process pointing to inner linguistic and outside context under some degree of consciousness. 通过分析研究,作者认为,人们的话语交际实质上是在一定的意识下,为达到某个特定的交际目的而发生的,这个过程是语言内部实际和外部语境不断进行选择和顺应的过程。