New virus definition is available from anti-virus vendors to detect and remove this virus. 电脑病毒防护软件供应商已提供了新病毒清单去侦察及清除此病毒。
Yes the Virus definition is updated for the Trailware. 是的,对试用版本病毒定义(VD)是实时更新的。
Be sure to keep the virus definition file updated. 请确保病毒定义(VD)文件不断更新。
The transmission of the virus meets the WHO's technical definition of a Phase Six outbreak, the highest possible. 该病毒的传播已经符合世卫组织流感预警机制的最高级,第六级。
Based on summarizing the definitions of such malicious codes as computer virus, worms, a new malware definition is proposed. At the same time, the concept of mobile malware is also proposed. 2. 归纳起来,本文的研究成果主要体现在以下几个方面:1.在总结计算机病毒、蠕虫等恶意代码定义的基础上,归纳了恶意程序的定义,同时,还提出了移动恶意程序的概念。