It is the next generation now in Pammal church. 我们寄望巴玛下一代的信徒能成为教会的柱石。
Contemporary church space " atmosphere " build is the design of " soul ", and the generation of the atmosphere, which reflects the church of the space and the connotation of spiritual significance. 当代教堂空间氛围的营造是设计的灵魂所在,由氛围的生成,体现出教堂空间的精神意义和内涵。
In a little more than a generation, Ireland has both distanced itself from the church and sharpened its secular identity. 不过一个世代多一点的时间,爱尔兰不仅与教会疏远了,还强化了自己的世俗身份。
Not like the theory of knowledge in the European symbolism, Russian symbolism especially its second generation represents like Blok, influenced by the philosophy of the Orthodox Eastern Church, has the character of ontology. 与欧洲象征派的认识论特征不同,俄国的象征主义尤其是第二代的代表人物勃洛克、别雷、维·伊万诺夫等深受索洛维约夫和东正教思想的影响,更具有本体论的性质。
We must serve this generation by showing them from Scripture how we are to live together in the church, the pillar and ground of the truth. 我们一定要根据圣经,向他们指出应该如何在那是真理的柱石和根基的教会里共同生活,以此服事这一代人。