This will bring in unbearable delay and extra network expense, especially for video service with high data-rate requirement. 尤其是对于数据量要求很大的视频服务来说,这样的延迟和跨网费用都将是难以承受的。
Extra bandwidth is needed to transmit the original video and related information in full-reference and reduce-re ference methods. 由于全参考型和部分参考型评价方法都需要额外的带宽来传输原始视频及相关信息,其实用价值非常有限。
The loop filter is run after decoding or encoding a frame and serves to perform extra processing on a frame, usually to remove blockiness in DCT-based video formats. 回放过滤器在解码或编码一个帧后运行,在帧上执行一些额外的处理,在基于DCT的格式中通常是消除区块效应。
After allowing corporate accounts to use Google + in November last year, it yesterday introduced extra features and security controls which it hopes will encourage more businesses to use its " hangouts " video chat and share internal information. 去年11月,谷歌允许企业账户使用google+,昨日该公司宣布推出额外功能和安全控制,希望鼓励更多企业使用其hangouts视频群聊功能,并分享内部信息。