As the loss values of calendar year randomly fluctuate, it do not have full credibility. This paper worked out the reliability factor of the premium was 0.394 with the B ü hlmann reliability theory model by loss values. 由于历年的损失值都是随机波动的,并不一定具有完全的可信性,所以本文进一步根据Bühlmann信度理论模型由损失值算出保费的信度因子为0.394,则现行保费的可信度为0.606。
Chapter IV is full of the enlightenments on the credibility construction in Xingning, which are analyzed respectively from the inspirations and practices of foreign trade associations in United States, United Kingdom, and Japan. 第四章是国外行业协会公信力建设对兴宁的启示,分别对美国、英国、日本行业协会公信力建设的做法与启示进行了分析。
The media should make full use of positive effect of agenda layout to improve its credibility and get ideal transmission effect. 媒体在进行议程设置时只有充分发挥议程设置的正效应,才能提高媒体公信力,获得理想的传播效果。
Land use changing is the results of the natural and human factors together. After taking full account many relevant factors, the model can forecast the trend of land use well, and has good reliability and credibility. 土地利用类型变化是自然和人类多重因素共同作用的结果,在充分考虑多种相关因素后,模型能很好的预测土地利用的变化趋势,具有较好的可靠性和可信度。
This software was written by the object-oriented language C + +, it made full use of these concepts, such as encapsulation, class, inherit, polymorphism, etc. These methods also make the software credibility, conservation and repeat. 该软件采用面向对象的方法,充分利用了C++语言的封装、类、继承、多态等特性,使软件具有可靠性、可修改性、可复用性等。