The management group's decision still boggled his mind. 管理层的决定仍让他丈二和尚摸不着头脑。
The management group would stand to gain millions of dollars if the company were sold 如果该公司被卖掉,管理层会获得几百万美元。
Public and Private Sector Management Group(MG) Governments, private groups and individuals have criticized the Internet. 公营和私营部门管理组(MG)政府部门、私人公司以及个人对互联网也有很多批评。
The Object Management Group(MG) ( OMG ) is performing significant work to improve the UML interchange between modeling tools. 对象管理组(MG)(OMG)正在执行改善建模工具之间的UML交换的重要工作。
Design and Application of Modern Management of Information Technology in Project Management Group(MG) 现代管理信息技术在工程项目群管理中的设计与应用