Study of Sketch Teaching in Industrial Design of Engineering 工科类工业设计素描教学研究与探索
Reform & Exploration of Teaching Model of Industrial Design in Engineering Colleges 工科院校工业设计教学模式改革的探索
The washing machine structure is divided into industrial design and engineering design, application of decomposition and reconstruction theory of washing machine product industrial design part of the module partition, module design and modular product design process are discussed in theory and case study. 将洗衣机结构分为工业设计部分和工程设计部分,运用分解重构理论对洗衣机产品的工业设计部分的模块划分、模块设计和模块化产品设计过程进行了理论与实例研究。
Industrial design and engineering design are inextricably linked in production activities, so how to apply Mass Customization theory to industrial design becomes a new subject. 在生产活动中工业设计与工程设计是密不可分的,如何将大批量定制理论应用于工业设计领域成为摆在我们面前的崭新课题。
Nowadays, the industrial design education in engineering universities plays an important role on the industrial design education in China. 如今,工科院校的工业设计教育已成为我国设计教育的一支重要力量。