The Research and Application of Agile Software Method in the Shop or Retail Management System(RMS) 敏捷(Agile)软件开发方法在电子商务进销存管理系统中的研究与应用
A retail management system which meets the industry requirements will provide strong data support in enhancing customer communication and drawing multivariant and correct marketing strategies. 满足奢侈品行业要求的零售管理系统(RMS)将为品牌在加强顾客交流以及制定多变正确的销售策略等方面提供强有力的数据支持。
In the system analysis part, this retail management system will be divided into several independent subsystems. They can combine with each other and become a complete system after defining the interfaces. 在系统分析部分,本文将整个零售管理系统(RMS)分成若干个独立运行的子系统,分而治之,最后定义子系统间接口,形成完整的系统。
Design of Retail Stock Management System Based on VMI 基于VMI的零售业库存管理系统设计
RCM is the abbreviation for Retail Channel Management System. RCM是RetailChannelManagement的简称,即零售渠道管理系统。