This paper introduced the principle of Winsock API ( Windows Sockets API ) communication, and the design of network programming with Winsock API, and how to connect with many clients, and gave the decisive code of network programming at last. 介绍了WinSockAPI(WindowsSocketsAPI)通信原理,讨论了WinSockAPI实现异步通信的具体方法,以及解决多客户端的连接技术,最后给出了相应的关键性程序代码。
We achieve the host detection function to the running display using Windows Sockets API programming. 系统利用WindowsSocketsAPI编程,通过主机探测函数,实时监控各显示屏的运行状态。
The program can't contact with TCP / IP core straightly but it contacts with network appliance program interface Windows Sockets API. 但是,所开发的网络通信应用程序并不能直接与TCP/IP核心打交道,而是与网络应用编程界面WindowsSocketsAPI打交道。
Beginning at TCP / IP, the implementation of network performance analysis by sending and receiving ICMP messages was discussed, which involved technology of ICMP and windows sockets API. It lays the foundation of a network management software on PC. 从TCP/IP入手,讨论利用编程对象ICMP(网际控制报文协议)和编程工具WindowsSocketsAPI,在PC机上收发ICMP数据报文,实现网络性能分析,从而为开发PC机上的网络管理软件提供基础。
The system uses Windows Sockets Application Programming Interface ( WinSock API ) to build a communication and control platform between Client and Server. The main functions of the system are Satellite Terminal Control, Voice Calls and Remote Whiteboard. 系统采用windowsSockets网络编程接口(WinSockAPI),构建了移动终端与中心主控端之间的通信和控制平台,实现了卫星网络接入终端管控、语音通话、远程电子白板等功能。