He knows that he's one of the most dominant players in the NBA right now. 我知道他现在是联盟里最有统治力的球员之一了。
Which are the most dominant currencies? 世界上最主要(MD)的货币是哪些?
He may be the most dominant guy out there but I think his teammates aren't ready. 他也许是最有统治力的人,但是我认为他的队友还没准备好。
Moses was one of the most dominant big man of all time. 摩西是历史上最有统治性的大个子之一。
Most likely this trait is not one of the most dominant and conspicuous in your personality, but it does serve you well and helps you be productive and successful. 这个相位所来带的特点并不是你个性中的主导,但是它却很好地服务于你、帮助你做出一点确实的事来并获得成功。