The drug is manufactured by Pfizer Inc. 该药物由辉瑞公司(PFZ)生产。
Viagra, also known as sildenafil, is manufactured by Pfizer Inc. 伟哥,又名西地那非,由辉瑞公司(PFZ)生产。
Funding for the IDEAL study was provided by Pfizer Inc. IDEAL研究基金由辉瑞公司(PFZ)提供。
Other major drug companies with a research presence in China include Novartis AG, AstraZeneca Plc, Pfizer Inc., GlaxoSmithKline and Roche Holding AG. 在中国开展药物研究的其他主要制药公司包括诺华,阿斯利康,辉瑞,葛兰素史克和罗氏。
Former Pfizer Inc. CEO Henry ' Hank ' McKinnell sat on the board alongside his predecessor for more than five years, until directors orchestrated his retirement in 2006, 18 months ahead of schedule. 辉瑞(PfizerInc.)前首席执行长麦金内尔(HenryHankMcKinnell)与他的前任共同在该公司董事会供职超过五年,直到2006年他在董事会的压力下提前18个月卸任。