Again I felt a thrill for one of earth's fastest creatures : the American peregrine falcon. 我内心又一次感到非常激动,我为这地球上速度最快的物种之一&美国游隼(PF)而激动不已。
The Peregrine Falcon(PF) was once used in the sport of falconry. 游隼(PF)一度被用于鹰猎运动。
It took about six weeks for the eyas to mature into a fully grown peregrine falcon. 雏鹰成长为一只完全成熟的游隼(PF)大概需要六周的时间。
In his book On the Wing, Alan Tennant chronicles his efforts to track the migration of the peregrine falcon. 在亚伦•泰宁特(AlanTennant)的《游隼(PF)之翼》(OntheWing)一书中,他详细记录了游隼(PF)的迁徙过程。
Known as the masters of the hunt, the peregrine falcon is swift in action when it sees its prey. 游隼(PF)素以猎界能手著称,当它发现猎物的时候,动作非常迅速敏捷。