The results showed the contents of glucose, fructose and sucrose were increased by delayed harvest. 结果表明:完熟采收可使柑橘汁囊中葡萄糖、果糖、蔗糖含量明显提高。
The effect of delayed harvest on sugar accumulation of juice sacs in satsuma mandarin fruit and the characteristics of photosynthates translocation and partitioning within fruit at different development stage were studied. 研究了完熟采收对宫川温州蜜柑果实精积累影响和光合产物在果实内的分配特性及运输机制。
These results indicate that the increase of sugar content in juice sacs by delayed harvest was contributed by the continuous movement of photosynthates into juice sacs driven by the specific 14C radioactivity gradient in the pathway of photosynthates translocation. 上述结果表明完熟采收有利于提高果实含糖量,光合产物通过存在于运输路径中的由高到低的光合产物的梯度推动而持续输入汁囊是完熟采收增糖的主要原因。
During the last three years delayed harvest was tested at Zigui and Xingshan of Hubei and Gannan of Jiangxi, covering several cultivars like Frost, Red Flesh navel orange, Newhall and Jincheng sweet orange. 三年来,在湖北秭归与兴山、江西赣南等地开展中晚熟脐橙延迟采收技术试验,品种包括佛罗斯特、红肉脐橙、纽荷尔、鄂甜橙1号等。
Delayed senescence caused by either too much nitrogen fertilizer or an adoption of lodging-resistant cultivars that stay " green " too long results in much non-structural carbohydrate in the straw and leads to low harvest index. 由于过多施用氮肥或采用保绿时间长、抗倒性强的品种等造成的茎鞘物质运转不良,籽粒灌浆缓慢,收获时大量的可用性糖滞留在秸秆中导致收获指数降低,产量下降。