Based on the space type of the office building and its characteristic of energy consumption, several applicable passive solar-energy-utilization techniques is analyzed, and some design points that could be carried out in the economization of office building are put forward. 根据办公建筑的空间类型和能耗特点,分析几种适用的被动式生态节能技术,并提出实现生态节能办公建筑的几个设计要点。
Finally it points out the reform of property, management and others related should be carried forward to create the comfortable circumstances of developing the industry based on grain. 并指出应推进产权、管理等方面的改革,为粮食依托型产业的发展创造宽松的政策环境。
The algorithm research for cascaded AGC is one of the key points in the thesis. Firstly an analysis on security, efficiency and economy performance of the AGC algorithm is carried out, and then the idea of leveled load dispatch algorithm is put forward. AGC算法是本文研究的重点之一,文章首先对梯级AGC算法的安全性、实时性和经济性进行了分析,提出分层算法的思路;然后分别研究了厂站、枢纽和梯级的负荷分配算法。