While skills on disaster prevention and mitigation materiel readiness aspects involved less, and the main focus is in the classroom lectures and demonstrations, student practical exercises is less, and also has other issues. 关于防灾减灾技能、物资准备方面的内容涉及较少,且主要集中在课堂的讲授、演示,学生的实际演习较少等问题。
The Bodybuilding teaching through teacher explanation, demonstration and student imitation, exercises to complete. 健身健美教学是通过教师的讲解、示范和学生的模仿、练习来完成的。
And the limited time could not provide good foundation to a student's physical exercises. 两年的时间无法保证每个学生都能够学会一至两项体育项目,为终身体育打下基础。
Study on the Student Attendance of Morning Exercises in the Universities of Dalian 对大连市高校学生早操情况的调查与分析
Especially for the basic links ( diagnostic compensation, student self-study, interactive exercises, problems feedback, summary ) and the supporting the management, evaluation, incentives. 特别对实施分层递进式导学案教学的基本环节(摸底补偿、学生自学、问题互动、练习反馈、小结整理)及配套的管理、评价、激励措施进行了详细的分析。