We strived to lead our Youth in a worship experience each Sunday. 我们带领青少年每主日的敬拜。
It is the simplicity, and as it were abstractedness to our feelings in youth, that ( so to speak ) identifies us with nature, and ( our experience being slight and our passions strong ) deludes us into a belief of being immortal like it. 由于年轻人天真单纯,可以说是茫然无知,因而将自己跟大自然划上等号;并且,由于经验少而感情盛,误以为自己也能和大自然一样永世长存。
Hold our cups, let's cheer for your birthday, for youth, for all the expectation, hope, faith and sincereness! For what we've experienced and are going to experience, cheers! 举起杯,为你的生日,为青春,为青春的期冀、憧憬、信念和真诚,干杯!为我们在生活中,已经领略到的和将要领略到的,干杯!