The president of the Confederation is elected from the seven to assume special representative functions for a one-year term. 从七个州中选取出来的联邦的首脑承担着特殊的代表作用,任期1年。
Zhang Xiaogang, President of Anshan Iron and steel, will become head of the Association for a one-year term on Thursday, at the conclusion of its annual meeting in Paris. 本周四,鞍钢集团(anshanironandsteel)总经理张晓刚将在世界钢铁协会在巴黎举行的年会结束时出任该协会主席,任期一年。
Up to two ( 2 ) voting Directors may be appointed by the Chairman of the Board to serve a one-year term during the Chairman's term of office. 多达2名表决董事可以由董事会主席委任其在主席任期内担任为其一年的职务。
I learned a lot in my allotted one-year term ( during which I still did my normal programming duties ) by figuring out good ways to teach others. 我从这一年的经历(期间我还在日常开发工作)中学到了很多:如何教授他人。
The defense effort would have practically collapsed if men had been allowed to go home at the end of their one-year term. 假如在士兵们一年服役期届满时获准回家,那么防务努力实际上将成为泡影。