Shutdown of an air separation unit resulting from the leakage of instrument gas into the process pipelines 仪表气漏入工艺管道导致空分装置停车
Under present situation, because of drawback of market economy, corruption is not rare in work unit, resulting in a big loss to the nation. 当前形势下,市场经济及配套机制的不健全使得各地企事业单位弄虚作假和腐败现象时有发生,给国家和人民造成了很大损失。
The defects and uneven force subjecting condition of the structural design may cause the deformation and damage of the unit frames, resulting in dropping and damaging of the instruments. 结构设计的缺陷和不均衡受力状况都可能导致仪器房框架结构的变形甚至损毁,导致仪器设备脱落或损坏。
Moreover, the division of responsibilities of natural persons is unknown in relation to punishment to the natural person in unit crime, resulting in different penalty basis, the imbalance between punishment ratio. 其次,在涉及单位犯罪中自然人部分的处罚,对自然人责任划分不明,导致刑罚处罚依据不一,处罚比例失衡。
Air source heat pump units because of the cold ( hot ) with the volume changes in outdoor parameters change, this selection method may result in the election unit too much, resulting in wastage; 由于空气源热泵机组的产冷(热)量随室外参数的改变而变化,这种选择方法可能造成机组选得过大,造成浪费;