GATT existed before the WTO did : the WTO was created at the Uruguay Round(UR) of negotiations. 关贸总协定在世贸组织诞生之前就存在了;世贸组织是在乌拉圭回合(UR)谈判中创立的。
The positive outcome of the Uruguay Round(UR) is a major contribution towards more coherent and complementary international economic policies. 乌拉圭回合(UR)的积极成果是对更具一致性和互补性的国际经济政策的一项主要贡献。
The Uruguay Round(UR) and the establishment the WTO have shanged the character of the wold trading system. 乌拉圭回合(UR)和世界贸易组织的建立改变了世界贸易体系的性质。
He believed it would help bring the stalled Uruguay Round(UR) of trade talks on track. 他认为这将有助于使陷入僵局的乌拉圭回合(UR)贸易谈判的轨道。
Uruguay Round(UR) : Under GATT, a smaller number of nations negotiated eight rounds of market-opening agreements. 乌拉圭回合(UR):在乌拉圭回合(UR)中,较少数国家就市场开放进行了8轮的谈判。