Guangzhou International Art Space(AS) Station also launched-a series of funding schemes to help young artists and arts activities. 广州国际艺术空间(AS)站还推出-系列的资助计划,帮助青年艺术家的艺术活动。
The second level is rather introversive art space with only sky light or courtyard light. 二层是一个内向的艺术空间(AS),仅仅靠天光和内院采光。
Founded in2006, LSA Art Space(AS) is a modern gallery that mainly introduces contemporary artists. LSA空间成立于2006年,是介绍当代艺术家的现代画廊。
The Charm of Classic, Youth Oil Painting Exhibition ", Manet Art Space(AS), Beijing ". 展览:2011年《“经典的魅力”青年油画家邀请展》,马奈草地艺术中心,北京。
The Elisabeth de Brabant Art Space(AS) is a platform for dialogue and creative vision around Chinese Contemporary Art. 博雅珊艺术中心正是这样一个平台。在这里,中国当代艺术间的对话和创造性视野皆变成了可能。