He then moved on to developing Crisp, which is a software company that helps protects kids from online predators. 他后来又创办了一家软件公司Crisp,旨在保护孩子们免受网络掠夺者的伤害。
The only way to keep kids safe online is for everyone who wants to protect them to work together, said Elliot Schrage, vice-president of public policy at Facebook. Facebook公共政策副总裁艾略特施拉格(ElliotSchrage)表示:确保儿童上网安全的唯一解决办法,就是所有希望保护他们的人携起手来。
Get tips on setting guidelines for computer use and for helping protect your kids ' security online. 获取有关计算机的使用和帮助保护您的孩子的联机安全的提示。
Let kids help with online shopping. 让孩子帮忙网购。
This is the very reason why kids indulge in the online games. 这就是孩子们沉溺于网络游戏的关键原因。